Obama justifies U.S.’ military intervention in Libya
Washington(ANN) In a speech that was long on grand sentiment and short on strategic detail, United States President Barack Obama laid out the justification for the U.S.’ military intervention in…
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Warar Xaqiiq ah iyo Xog Sugan
Washington(ANN) In a speech that was long on grand sentiment and short on strategic detail, United States President Barack Obama laid out the justification for the U.S.’ military intervention in…
After 10 days of military action, the president finally addressed the nation on Libya. His main points were these: • that Qaddafi is a monster
Libyans are well aware of their long and largely painful history with Western powers – even if many in the West are not. It’s a national holiday in
Hargeysa(ANN)Guddoomiyaha Golaha Guurtida Somaliland Md. Saleebaan Maxamuud Aadan (Saleebaan-gaal), ayaa la sheegay inuu ku hawlan yahay sidii uu ugu dhawaaqi lahaa urur-siyaasadeed cusub oo ka qaybgala doorashada golayaasha deegaanka ee…
Hargeysa(ANN)Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta booqasho lama filaana ku tegey cusbitaalka guud ee caasimada Hargeysa waxaanu booqashadiisa ku indho indheeyay waadhadhka uu ka kooban yahay cisbitaalka guud…
Markii ugu horaysay ee qaadka lagu cuno dalkan Somalliland wuxuu ku koobnaa dad tiro yar, gaar ahaan qaa ka mid ah wadaada habeenkii dikriya oo ku soo jeedi jiray inay…
Hargeysa(ANN)Saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidanka qaranka somaliland ayaa soo dhamaystay tababar loogu laylyay sarakaalnimo, kuwaas oo mudo laba sannadood ah tababarkaa ugu maqnaa dhinaca dalka Ethiopia. Saraakiisha oo ahaa todoba xubnood…
Hargeysa(ANN)Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland dib ugu soo celiyay xeerka Gobolada iyo degmooyinka oo ay hore labada aqal ee Baarlamaanka (Wakiilada iyo Guurtidu) u…
How can you adequately describe someone like Muammar Gaddafi? During a period that has spanned six decades, the Libyan leader has paraded on the world stage with a style so…
They acknowledge that Western airstrikes on Libya were crucial to turning the tide in the eastern city. But even with such support, how far they can advance toward Tripoli is…