abwaanka yar iyo abdishakurHargeysa(Araweelo News Network)Cabdiraxiim Cali Xasan oo ah wiil yar oo 17 jir ah ayaa  tiriyay in ka badan labaatan Gabay, wuxuuna Wiilkaa yar gabayadiisa iyo suugaantiisa oo ah mid ay ka muuqato

hal-abuurnimo iyo farshaxan ka waramay suugaantiisa iyo xiligga uu bilaabay Gabayada.
Waraysi uu siiyay Suxufiga iyo Barnaamij soosaaraha Cabdishakuur Haybe ayaa waraystay Gabyaaga da’ada yar oo ku sugan Hargeysa.

Halkan Ka Daawo Muuqaalka Wiilka Da’ada yar Cabdiraxiim Cali Xasan (Cali Gobonimo) Riix

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Motivated, teamwork-oriented, and responsible manegment , Development, Data analyst with significant experience in increasing comprehension of reports and presentations, and working in the Somaliland media, human rights, social affairs, democracy and the nation-building process for the past two decades, by the average professional.experien and Highly educated, possessing a Professional Certificate of Journalism ,DIploma and BA Journalism and Politics.

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