madaxweyne SilanyosafarEthiopia1Hargeysa(Araweelo News Network)Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo ayaa Maanta  socdaal ugu baxay arunta dalka Ethiopia ee Addis Aababa oo ay ku sugan yihiin


Wasiirka Arrimaha Debeda Somaliland iyo xubno wasiiro ah oo usii gogol xaadhayay safarkiisa.

Madaxweyne Siillanyo waxa uu warbaahinta u sheegay in uu casuumad ka helay Raysal wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia, wuxuuna sharaxaad ka bixiyay ujeedada safarkiisa, isagoo sidoo kalena ka hadlay arrimo kale oo ku waajahan Mandaqada iyo sagootiskamadaxweynaha1wadadhadalada u dhexeeyay Somaliland iyo Somalia oo la filayo in ay maalmaha soo socda dib uga bilaabmaan dalka Turkiga.
Halkan ka dhegeyso Madaxweynaha oo ka hadlaya arrimahaa Riix

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Motivated, teamwork-oriented, and responsible manegment , Development, Data analyst with significant experience in increasing comprehension of reports and presentations, and working in the Somaliland media, human rights, social affairs, democracy and the nation-building process for the past two decades, by the average professional.experien and Highly educated, possessing a Professional Certificate of Journalism ,DIploma and BA Journalism and Politics.

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