muuse biixi1Hargeysa(Araweelo News Network)Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga Kulmiye Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa ka hadlay shirweynaha xisbiga ee dib loo riixay, gudida Madaxweyne Siilaanyo magcaabay ee u qorsheeyay soo afjarida muranka

shirweynaha iyo arrimo kale oo la xidhiidha khilaaf la sheegay inuu soo kala dhexgalay isaga iyo Madaxweynaha.
Gudoomiye Muuse Biixi waxa uu arrimahaa iyo kuwo kale kaga hadlay shir jaraa’id oo uu maanta ku qabtay xafiiskiisa.
Halkan ka dhegeyso hadalka Gudoomiyaha Kulmiye Riix

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Motivated, teamwork-oriented, and responsible manegment , Development, Data analyst with significant experience in increasing comprehension of reports and presentations, and working in the Somaliland media, human rights, social affairs, democracy and the nation-building process for the past two decades, by the average professional.experien and Highly educated, possessing a Professional Certificate of Journalism ,DIploma and BA Journalism and Politics.

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