images/stories/xajka.jpg Waxa la ogaysiinayaa dhamaan dadweynaha jecel in ay soo gutaan waajibaadka xajka inay bilowday shirkada Daallo Airlines qabashada Dhokumentiyada (Documents)-Xajka ee Sanadkan 2010.


Lana soo fiisaynaayo sidaasi darteedna ay isu soo diyaariyaan dhammaan Xujaydu soona xareyaan Dhokumentiyadooda.

Waxii faah faahin ah waxa aad kala xidhiidhaa xafiiska ay shirkada Daallo Airline ku leedahay goobta kuugu dhow.


Maamulka shirkada diyaaradaha ee Daallo Airline

Sidoo kale shirkada daallo waxa ay macmiisheeda u samaysay qiimo dhimis, fadlan guji ciwaanka hoose ama riix si aad u akhrisatid.

Daallo Airlines oo idiin samaysay qiimo jab, fadlan hore u gaadh

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Motivated, teamwork-oriented, and responsible manegment , Development, Data analyst with significant experience in increasing comprehension of reports and presentations, and working in the Somaliland media, human rights, social affairs, democracy and the nation-building process for the past two decades, by the average professional.experien and Highly educated, possessing a Professional Certificate of Journalism ,DIploma and BA Journalism and Politics.

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