Hargeisa(Araweelo News Network) –Somaliland Minister of Industry Mr. Abiib Diriye Nour accompanied by his Director General Abdi Ahmed Nour warmly received 10 members Chinese business delegation


Chinese investors and the minister for Industrieswho paid visit to Somaliland for observing business opportunities in the country at  Hargeisa Egal International irport on Wednesday.

Mr. Abiib Nour speaking to the media after he received the Chinese delegation described the aim of this delegation to be investment opportunity observation and stated, “Chinese Industry Group is
expected to establish electronic and car assemblies in the country. As such investment was badly needed to tackle the increased employment of youngsters in Somaliland.  Employment would be generated for the educated youth who are escaping from the country through illegal migration, thereby gambling with their dear lives.”

Leader of the Chinese delegation Mr. David Chin from Afro China Commerce Industry Group has said that they will establish industries that will produce bikes, electronics and beverages for young kids

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