New York(ANN)  News Source: WHO – Interactive Map According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Eritrea’s life expectancy has rapidly increased since independence. In 1990, Eritrea’s life expectancy was at a grim 36 year average. However,

since independence in 1991,  this figure has nearly doubled to a 65 year average, which leads mainland Sub-Sahara Africa. This  rapid increase can.independence in 1991,  this figure has nearly doubled to a 65 year average, which leads mainland Sub-Sahara Africa. This rapid increase can.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Eritrea’s life expectancy has rapidly increased since independence. In 1990, Eritrea’s life expectancy was at a grim 36 year average. However, since independence in 1991,  this figure has nearly doubled to a 65 year average, which leads mainland Sub-Sahara Africa. This rapid increase can be attributed to the ending of Eritrea’s war of independence with Ethiopia, and in large part, to the vital role the Eritrean government has played in making health a top priority.

Based on the latest WHO data, the average Eritrean woman is expected to live till 67, while an Eritrean male is expected to live a 63 year average. In comparison, the  African life expectancy average is 52 years of age, while the global average is 66.

Other horn of African nations have also increased their life expectancies, with war-torn Somalia being the only country to have its life expectancy decline over the years.

The following chart showcases life expectancy averages in the horn of Africa
Nations    Male    Female    Average
Eritrea    63    67    65
Sudan    57    58    57
Ethiopia    57    60    58
Djibouti    58    60    59
Somalia    46    50    48
Kenya    52    55    54
Somali land 50  60         59

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